Keiretusu Forum is  the world’s largest angel investor network with over 1400 accredited investor members throughout 35 chapters on three continents. Keiretsu Forum Members collaborate in the due diligence of presenting companies, but make individual investment decisions with $400m invested in over 300 companies to date ($160M in Northwest) in technology, consumer products, life sciences, real estate, and other high growth segments. Presenting entrepreneurs consistently find high value in our extensive resources, feedback, mentoring, and funding while Investor Members enjoy well-screened, quality deal flow, group mindshare in evaluating deals, and association in a powerful, intelligent group of professionals.

The Northwest Chapter is the most active chapter in the network.   I created messaging and programming for a series of events on Impact Investment.    And I based our philosophy around “3 Pillars to Build Impact Investing”.

Kevin Owyang's work is used by Keiretsu Forum
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